The most common online scams

Scams have always existed, but since the Internet has existed it has become much easier.

What are online scams?

The term denotes a crime that is committed online through websites and smartphone applications. In general, it is much easier for cybercriminals to scam those who surf online than to attempt to do so through face-to-face interactions. In this photogallery, we explain which are the most common and widespread online scams.These scams are so effective because they take place behind a computer and often the attacker presents himself as someone who is actually trying to help.

Browse through the photogallery to find out which are the most common online scams.

Scams related to online shopping
One of the most common scams is related to online purchases and can take place within legitimate and popular sites or within fraudulent websites created specifically for this purpose. Before making an online purchase, it is necessary to check that the website is marked as "secure": often the search engine will mark the website in the URL bar as "not secure" in case the owner (of the site) has not purchased a certificate SSL.
Phishing emails
Phishing is a type of scam carried out on the Internet through which an attacker tries to trick a victim into providing personal information, financial data or access codes by pretending to be a trusted entity in a digital communication. This type of scam occurs through the receipt of an email, text message, or phone call that appears to come from a trusted source, such as your bank or an online store.
Dating site scams
Online dating scams, also known as "dating fraud," occur when a person believes he or she has established a connection or correspondence through an online dating site or app, when in fact he or she is interfacing with a scammer using a fake profile. The scammer waits until he has won the victim's trust, after which he concocts a story that prompts the victim to send him money.
"Get rich quick" style scams
This kind of scam leverages people's emotional side: the occurrence of tragedies is exploited to push people to donate money to help victims. Before making donations, it is a good idea to check that a referral website exists.
Scams related to online shopping
This kind of scam usually comes in the form of well-paid job offers that require little effort. These scams prompt people to give out their personal information or even invest money to start the business. One must be very careful with job offers, especially if these are presented as very lucrative.
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