"Earth Poetica," the sculpture made from plastic waste in the middle of New York City: photos

In the lobby of New York's 3 World Trade Center building, the sculpture 'Earth Poetica', by Israeli artist Beverly Barkat, has been placed. 

Although it appears to be made of beautiful stained glass panels, it is actually made of waste. With a diameter of about 4 metres, the globe is made of plastic bags, glasses, fishing nets, bottles and other forms of plastic waste collected from oceans, mountains, forests and other locations around the world.

It was placed in New York on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the UN-sponsored World Environment Day.

A sculpture made from plastic waste is on display in downtown New York: photos
In the lobby of the 3 World Trade Center building in New York, the sculpture 'Earth Poetica', by Israeli artist Beverly Barkat, was placed.
A sculpture made from plastic waste is on display in downtown New York: photos
A small portal on the side of the sculpture allows visitors to peek inside and observe a 360-degree view of the spherical artwork. Looking closely at the work from inside or outside, one can still make out the labels on some of the bags and wrappings that make up the panels.
A sculpture made from plastic waste is on display in downtown New York: photos
It was placed in New York on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the UN-sponsored World Environment Day.
A sculpture made from plastic waste is on display in downtown New York: photos
The idea for the sculpture came to Barkat after watching a documentary on plastic pollution. Spurred to action by the terrible scenes seen in the film, the artist began collecting plastic waste from her surroundings. As the project progressed, she was assisted by a community of environmentalists from six continents. Over the course of three years, Barkat received waste from people in the United States, the United Kingdom, South Africa, Taiwan, Japan and Australia.
A sculpture made from plastic waste is on display in downtown New York: photos
Although an extraordinary work of art, this sculpture serves as a reminder of the need to drastically decrease waste in order to preserve the natural beauty and health of our planet. 'Earth Poetica' debuted at the Gottesman Family Israel Aquarium in Jerusalem in 2022.
A sculpture made from plastic waste is on display in downtown New York: photos
Although it looks like it is made of beautiful coloured glass panels, it is actually made of waste. With a diameter of about 4 metres, the globe is made of plastic bags, glasses, fishing nets, bottles and other forms of plastic waste collected from oceans, mountains, forests and other locations around the world.
A sculpture made from plastic waste is on display in New York downtown: photos
Walking in front of Ground Zero, one can indeed see the sculpture, and the message is able to reach a huge number of people.
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