Prisons around the world: which nations have the most inmates

Imprisonment is a reality in many countries around the world, and the number of prisoners can vary greatly from country to country: but how many prisoners are there in different nations?

In this article, using data provided by, we will focus on the eight countries with the largest prison populations in the world, offering a comprehensive and detailed overview in which the data on the number of prisoners in each of these countries through December 2022 will be displayed.

Thanks to this photo gallery, you will be able to better understand the situation globally and draw your own conclusions on a highly relevant topic, keeping in mind that these are constantly changing data and numbers.

Prisoners: which nation has more of them?
Imprisonment is a reality in many countries around the world and the number of prisoners can vary greatly from country to country: but how many prisoners are there in different countries? In this article, using data provided by, we will focus on the eight countries with the largest prison populations in the world, offering a comprehensive and detailed overview of the number of prisoners in each of these countries up to December 2022. Thanks to this photo gallery, you will be able to better understand the situation globally and draw your own conclusions on a topic of great relevance, bearing in mind that these are constantly changing figures and numbers.
8) Indonesia
Indonesia records 275,518 inmates, highlighting the presence of a large prison population out of the population of 274 million.
7) Thailand
Thailand houses 285,572 prisoners, reflecting a considerable number of inmates in the country's prison system with a population of only 72 million.
6) Turkey
Turkey has 314,502 prisoners, occupying a significant place in the world ranking of nations with the most prisoners. Turkey's population is 85 million.
5) Russia
Russia has a total of 439,453 inmates, confirming the presence of a significant prison population in the country. The inhabitants of Russia number 143 million.
4) India
India has 554,034 prisoners, making it one of the nations with the largest number of prisoners. India is second to China in population with 1.4 billion.
3) Brazil
Brazil ranks third in the ranking with 835,643 prisoners, indicating a large prison population in the country of 214 million people.
2) United States of America
The United States closely follows China with 1,675,400 prisoners, making it the second most imprisoned nation in the world. The United States is home to 332 million people.
1) China
China tops the list with an impressive 1,690,000 prisoners in its prison system. China is home to 1.41 billion people. For China as for other countries, it is worth mentioning that the figure was taken as of December 2022.
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