Why did giant rubber ducks appear in Hong Kong waters?

It has now been 10 years since his first visit to Hong Kong and now he is back, bringing a friend with him. We are talking about the giant Rubber Duck Project by Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman, which will return to the city in June. 

The sea trial, which took place on 25 May in Tsing Yi, Hong Kong, was the first step towards the presentation of the beloved art installation at Victoria Harbour next month.

The Rubber Duck Project consists quite simply of inflatable rubber ducks that measure 16.5 metres and travel around the world to use each location's body of water as a personal bathtub.

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Why did giant rubber ducks appear in Hong Kong waters?
It has now been 10 years since his first visit to Hong Kong and now he is back, bringing a friend with him. We are talking about the gigantic Rubber Duck Project by Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman, which will return to the city in June.
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Proof in the water: here's what they were doing in Hong Kong
The sea trial, which took place on 25 May in Tsing Yi, Hong Kong, was the first step towards the presentation of the beloved art installation at Victoria Harbour next month.
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The Rubber Duck Project
The Rubber Duck Project consists quite simply of inflatable rubber ducks that measure 16.5 metres and travel around the world, with the aim of using the water in each location as a personal bathtub.
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Florentijn Hofman
Florentijn Hofman (born 16 April 1977) is a Dutch artist.  He works mainly on reproducing huge, oversized versions of everyday objects, such as large laminate flooring and flip-flops. His global tour with the Rubber Ducks - which started in 2007 and has touched cities such as Amsterdam, Baku, Lommel, Osaka, Sydney Harbour, São Paulo and Hong Kong - is entitled 'Spreading Joy Around the World'.
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When the ducks really show themselves
The duck duo will make its official debut in a large-scale public art exhibition 'Double Ducks by Flotentijn Hofman', curated by AllRightsReserved later this year.
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What we know so far.
Further details on their stay in Hong Kong will be announced on 1 June. It is also unclear at the moment where exactly the ducks will be placed in Victoria Harbour or how long they will stay.
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