Nine thousand-year-old tombs come back to light among the streets of Barcelona

In the course of the work being carried out at this time on Barcelona's Via Laietana, workers unwittingly unearthed no less than nine ancient tombs, even dating back to Roman and late Roman times. 

Specifically, the find includes seven Roman tombs and two others from the late Roman period.

But that's not all, since, as the Institut de Cultura de Barcelona (Icub) explained in a press release published on Tuesday 30 May, the remains are in addition to the two found in the same area, on the other side of the road, made last February.

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A restoration of a Barcelona street brings nine Roman-era tombs to the surface
In the course of the work currently being carried out on the Via Laietana in Barcelona, workers have unintentionally unearthed no less than nine ancient tombs, even dating back to Roman and late Roman times.
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A restoration of a Barcelona street brings nine Roman-era tombs to the surface
Specifically, the find consists of seven Roman tombs and two others from the Late Antique period. The discovery is in the area of Plaça Antoni Maura, where the archaeological team excavated with the hope of documenting "the large number of overlapping structures from different eras" that have appeared in the area as a result of the work, which will not be hindered in any way.
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A restoration of a Barcelona street brings nine Roman-era tombs to the surface
But this is not the end of the story since, as the Institut de Cultura de Barcelona (Icub) explained in a statement published on Tuesday 30 May, the remains are in addition to the two found in the same area, on the other side of the street, last February.
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A restoration of a street in Barcelona brings to the surface nine Roman tombs
The intervention also uncovered other ancient artefacts, such as a wall dating back to the 18th-19th century, a pillar, invitation holes for poles, some stone, brick or limestone mortar pavements, a ceramic slab covering a vase and three sites dating back to the 9th-10th century.
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A restoration of a Barcelona street brings nine Roman-era tombs to the surface
The archaeological work is being carried out under the direction of archaeologist Joan Garriga Toledo and does not impede the smooth progress of the Via Laietana redevelopment. The finds will now be sent to the Icub facilities in the Zona Franca in Barcelona for an anthropological study.
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