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Poisonous plants that are best not to touch

There are numerous plants that cannot be touched and that, in some cases, can even be dangerous to human health. These plants can have various harmful and irritating properties, some of them producing toxic or stinging substances. 

Among the most well-known plants that one should not touch are nettles, which produce a burning and irritating effect on the skin, but also hemlock, a very toxic herb that can cause serious harm if ingested, and foxglove, whose leaves can cause heart palpitations. 

But what are some other plants that should be admired but not touched? We discover the eight poisonous plants together in our gallery.

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Poisonous plants that are best not to touch
There are numerous plants that cannot be touched and that, in some cases, can even be dangerous to human health. These plants can have various harmful and irritating properties, some of them producing toxic or stinging substances. Among the most well-known plants that one should not touch are nettles, which produce a burning and irritating effect on the skin, but also hemlock, a very toxic herb that can cause serious harm if ingested, and foxglove, whose leaves can cause heart palpitations. But what are some other plants that should be admired but never touched? We discover eight poisonous plants together in our gallery.
Oleander (Nerium oleander)
Oleander is considered one of the most dangerous shrubs in the world. All its components are toxic to both humans and animals. Its ingestion causes malaise, mental confusion, nausea and vomiting.
Oleander, the story of Napoleon's soldiers
History tells us that several soldiers of Napoleon's troops died of poisoning after using oleander branches as skewers in the cooking of barbecued meat during military campaigns in Italy. (source: wikipedia)
Di bdk, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Thorn Apple (Datura stramonium)
The whole plant is extremely poisonous due to its high alkaloid content, which varies in concentration and toxicity in the different parts of the plant (root, flowers, stems, leaves and seeds) and in different seasons as well as from specimen to specimen. In ancient times it was often used for suicide and murder. Ingestion causes paralysis of the respiratory muscles.
Di Donald Macauley - Flickr: Deadly Nightshade, CC BY-SA 2.0,
Belladonna (Atropa belladonna)
The whole plant is toxic, especially the berries. Other symptoms that may occur are nausea, vomiting, tachycardia, difficulty swallowing, altered vision, dizziness, convulsions and coma.
Di Kurt Stüber [1] - part of, CC BY-SA 3.
Belladonna, a practice that dates back to the Renaissance
The specific epithet belladonna refers to a practice dating back to the Renaissance: ladies used an eye drops based on this plant to make their eyes bright and shiny due to its ability to dilate the pupil, an effect called mydriasis due to atropine, which acts directly on the parasympathetic nervous system. (source: wikipedia)
Hemlock (Conium maculatum)
It is a plant that gives off an unpleasant urine smell when broken. The whole plant is poisonous and can cause death due to its neurotoxins.
Autor: Sting, CC BY-SA 2.5,
Hemlock, the poisoning of Socrates
Hemlock in history: Socrates, an Athenian philosopher from the 5th century BC, was killed with a hemlock preparation, probably of the species Conium maculatum, as narrated in Plato's dialogue Phaedo (source: wikipedia)
Di Didier Descouens - Opera propria, CC BY-SA 4.0,
Rate (Taxus baccata)
The active ingredient responsible for the toxicity of branches, leaves and seeds, where it is present in percentages varying between 0.5 and 2%, is an alkaloid, taxin. It has a narcotic and paralysing effect on humans and many domestic animals. The organs that contain the most of it are the old leaves. (source: wikipedia)
Di Isidre blanc - Opera propria, CC BY-SA 4.0,
White Hellebore (Veratrum album)
White Hellebore is a perennial plant up to 150 cm tall. It is a toxic plant for both humans and animals. Ingestion of the White Hellebore by the pregnant cow can cause alopecia and severe bone defects in the calf such as cleft palate. (source: wikipedia)
Di Foto: Martina Nolte, Lizenz: Creative Commons by-sa-3.0 de, CC BY-SA 3.0 de,
Ricinus (Ricinus communis)
Ricin, present in the plant and the seeds, is a dangerous toxin that can cause serious intoxication. Ricinus beans contain between 40% and 60% oil, rich in triglycerides, mainly ricinolein. (source: wikipedia)
Autor: Kurt Stüber [1] – part of, CC BY
Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea)
Foxglove is a beautiful plant to admire but not to touch. The plant contains a powerful poisonous component, digitoxin, which can stop the heartbeat. Popular belief holds that the species is the main ingredient used by witches to make deadly potions.
Autor: Javier martin – Vlastní dílo, Volné dílo,
Paying attention to plants
In general, when in the garden or in nature, it is always a good idea to pay attention to the plants you come across and, if you are not sure what they are, avoid touching them or unless you are certain about their safety. In the event of doubt or irritation after handling a plant, it is important to consult a doctor or plant expert so as to identify any risks and take the right precautions.
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