The Inouye telescope shows amazing new photos of the Sun never seen before

The Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope of the National Science Foundation (NSF) has published eight new photographs of our star, anticipating the incredible and wonderful work being done at the most powerful solar telescope on earth. 

Thanks to the Visible-Broadband Imager (VBI), one of the telescope's first-generation instruments, a series of sunspots and 'quiet' regions of the sun have been captured in unprecedented detail.

This new, state-of-the-art instrument available to researchers enables them to obtain invaluable data on the magnetic fields at work on the Sun's surface and also on the origin of solar storms.
Sun, unprecedented new details thanks to the Inouye telescope
The Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope of the National Science Foundation (NSF) has published eight new photographs of our star, which anticipate the amazing and marvellous work being done by the most powerful solar telescope on earth.
Sun, unprecedented new details thanks to the Inouye telescope
Thanks to the Visible-Broadband Imager (VBI), one of the telescope's first-generation instruments, a series of sunspots and 'quiet' regions of the Sun could be captured in unprecedented detail.
Sun, unprecedented new details thanks to the Inouye telescope
This new, state-of-the-art instrument will enable researchers to obtain invaluable data on the magnetic fields at work on the Sun's surface and also on the origin of solar storms.
Sun, unprecedented new details thanks to the Inouye telescope
Image title: Solar Granules, Intergranular Lanes, and Magnetic Elements of the Quiet Sun PID: PID_1_49. In this image, the fine structure of the quiet Sun is observed on its surface or photosphere. The bright structures within the plasma granules are the signatures of the magnetic field.
Sun, unprecedented new details thanks to the Inouye telescope
Image title: Sunspot Umbral Dots and Penumbral Filaments in Detail PID: PID_1_27. This image reveals the subtle structures of a sunspot in the photosphere. The dark central region is the centre of a sunspot where the magnetic field is strongest. The elongated structures surrounding the umbra are visible as bright filaments known as penumbral filaments.
Sun, unprecedented new details thanks to the Inouye telescope
Image title: The Fibrillar Nature of the Solar Atmosphere PID: PID_1_123. In this picture, the fibre structure of the solar atmosphere is revealed. Indeed, one can see thin dark threads of plasma (fibrils) emanating from the underlying magnetic network. The contours always show the action of magnetic fields.
Sun, unprecedented new details thanks to the Inouye telescope
Picture title: A Light Bridge Captured in a Sunspot PID: PID_1_50. In this wonderful picture a light bridge is shown crossing the umbra of a sunspot from one end of the penumbra to the other. It is not known exactly how deep these structures are formed. This photo shows us an example of a light bridge in remarkable detail.
Sun, unprecedented new details thanks to the Inouye telescope
Image Title: Umbral Fragments Suggest the 'End Phase' of a Sunspot PID: PID_1_22. Although this image shows the presence of umbral fragments, it is extraordinarily rare to capture the formation or decay process of a sunspot. What we are really seeing is the "final phase" of a sunspot.
Sun, unprecedented new details thanks to the Inouye telescope
Image Title: Properties of Convection Cells and Light Bridge Seen Around a Sunspot PID: PID_1_29. A detailed example of a light bridge crossing the umbra of a sunspot. This is a complex structure that takes on different shapes and phases and is believed to be the signature of the beginning of a sunspot's decay.
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