Dream job: here are the 15 most sought-after professions in the world

There are those who dream of flying, those who dream of writing, those who dream of teaching, those who dream of healing, and those who dream of entertaining. There are professions that represent the dream job for many of us.

In this photo gallery, we have listed the 15 most sought-after professions in the world, surveyed by "Remitly", which made this ranking based on the global search volume for "how to be a..."

From creative careers such as writer, dancer and singer, to more technological professions such as programmer and blogger, via entertainment-related jobs such as actor, DJ and YouTuber. There will also be no shortage of jobs that focus on caring for people, such as doctor and teacher, and those that allow people to travel and discover the world, such as flight attendant. Here are the 15 most sought-after professions in the world. (Source:

Dream job: here are the 15 most sought-after professions in the world
There are those who dream of flying, those who dream of writing, those who dream of teaching, those who dream of healing, and those who dream of entertaining. There are professions that represent the dream job for many of us. In this photo gallery, we have listed the 15 most sought-after professions in the world, surveyed by "Remitly", which made this ranking based on the global search volume for "how to be a..." From creative careers such as writer, dancer and singer, to more technological professions such as programmer and blogger, via entertainment-related jobs such as actor, DJ and YouTuber. There will also be no shortage of jobs that focus on caring for people, such as doctor and teacher, and those that allow people to travel and discover the world, such as flight attendant. Here are the 15 most sought-after professions in the world. (Source:
15) Flight attendant
In 15th place is the flight attendant, with 88,240 global searches. Being a flight attendant requires communication skills, safety expertise and the ability to assist passengers.
14) Professor
In fourteenth place is the professor, with 91,400 global searches. Being a professor requires strong expertise in the subject taught and a passion for research and teaching.
13) Doctor
In thirteenth place is the doctor, with 104,080 global searches. Being a doctor requires years of study, passion for medicine and a strong commitment to patient care.
12) Blogger
In twelfth place is the blogger, with 104,600 global searches. Being a blogger requires writing skills, creativity and passion for blogging. A blogger must be able to write high-quality content and promote the blog through social media.
11) DJ disk jockey
In 11th place is the DJ, with 112,360 global searches. Being a disk jockey requires musical skills, passion for music and the ability to entertain an audience. The DJ knows mixing techniques and masters the equipment to build a successful career
10) Teacher
In tenth place is the teacher, with 114,950 global searches. Being a teacher requires passion for the profession and strong expertise in the subject you teach. A bachelor's degree is now required to be a teacher and it is helpful to complete an internship program.
9) Singer
In ninth place is the singer, with 121,430 global searches. Being a singer requires vocal skills, passion and a great stage presence. Start studying singing, take lessons and participate in competitions and shows to showcase your skills.
8) Programmer
In eighth place is the programmer, with 125,310 global searches. A programmer is a person who writes the codes required to create software, applications, and websites. Being a programmer requires a good knowledge of programming languages, great attention to detail, and the ability to solve complex problems.
7) Influencer
In seventh place is the influencer, with 159,180 global searches. An influencer is a person who has a large social media presence and is able to guide the opinions and behaviour of their followers. Being an influencer requires great communication skills as well as the ability to create engaging content.
6) Actor
In sixth place is the actor, with 176,180 global searches. Actors have the opportunity to range in the world of entertainment between theater, film, and television. To succeed as an actor, it is important to have a good command of acting, great passion, and the ability to work well under pressure.
5) Entrepreneur
In fifth place is the entrepreneur, with 178,380 global searches. Being an entrepreneur requires a great deal of determination, organizational skills and a good deal of courage to undertake your own business. This can include starting your own company, running a franchise or an existing business.
4) YouTuber
In fourth place is the YouTuber, with 195,070 global searches. Being a successful YouTuber requires creativity, communication skills and a good dose of perseverance. The YouTuber produces and disseminates his own video products, which can include vlogs, tutorials, product reviews, and more.
3) Dancer
In third place is the dancer, with 278,720 global searches. Being a dancer requires commitment, passion and an innate ability for movement. Dancers can work in dance companies, theaters and television shows. Dance can be very demanding and physically hard work, but it can also be very rewarding.
2) Writer
In second place is the writer with 801,200 global searches. Writers write books, articles, television and movie scripts, and much more. To succeed as a writer, it is important to have a good command of the language and to be passionate about writing.
1) Pilot
In first place is the pilot, with an overall search of 930,630 searches. An airplane pilot is a person who has successfully completed specific training and acquired the necessary certifications to fly an aircraft. Pilots are highly skilled and do a very rewarding job, but also a demanding and very responsible one.
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