Pompeii returns two new victims but the eruption did not cause them. Photo

Archaeologists have found two new victims within the excavations of Pompeii (Italy) in the insula dei Casti Amanti.

The two victims were not, however, caused by the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD, but by an earthquake that accompanied the devastating eruption and caused a wall to collapse.

For the experts in charge of the excavations in Pompeii, this is yet another discovery that may be able to provide new details for investigation and to continue the scientific activities focusing on the archaeological complex.

Photos of the new findings in Pompeii
Archaeologists have found two new victims inside the excavations of Pompeii, in the insula dei Casti Amanti. However, the two victims were not caused by the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD, but by an earthquake that accompanied the devastating eruption and caused a wall to collapse.
Photos of new findings in Pompeii
For experts in charge of Pompeii's excavations, this is yet another find that may be able to provide new details of investigation and further scientific activities focusing on the archaeological complex.
Photos of new findings in Pompeii
The park's director, Gabriel Zuchtriegel, explains: 'Modern excavation techniques help us to understand better and better the inferno that completely destroyed the city of Pompeii in two days, killing many of its inhabitants".
Photos of new findings in Pompeii
The Italian Minister of Culture, Gennaro Sangiuliano, comments: 'The discovery of the remains of two Pompeians in the context of the construction site in the insula dei Casti Amanti shows how much there is still to discover about the terrible eruption of 79 A.D. and confirms the advisability of continuing the scientific investigation and excavation activities.
Photos of the new findings in Pompeii
Minister Sangiuliano adds: 'Pompeii is an immense archaeological laboratory that has been revitalised in recent years, astonishing the world with the continuous discoveries brought to light and demonstrating Italian excellence in this field".
Photos of the new findings in Pompeii
Details of the new findings made by the archaeologists inside Pompeii.
Photos of the new findings in Pompeii
Details of the new findings made by the archaeologists inside Pompeii.
Photos of the new findings in Pompeii
Details of the new findings made by the archaeologists inside Pompeii.
Photos of the new findings in Pompeii
Details of the new findings made by the archaeologists inside Pompeii.
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