In rainwater so many harmful chemicals

Bad surprise for the environment: rainwater has become undrinkable all over the world, including Tibet and Antarctica.

Researchers from Stockholm University and Eth Zurich say this in a paper published in Enviromental Science & Technology.

Pfas (perfluoroalkyl substances) concentrations worldwide have reached values above the limits set by U.S. drinking water guidelines.

Browse the gallery to find out more about this world-damaging phenomenon!

Bad surprise for the environment: rainwater has become undrinkable all over the world, including Tibet and Antarctica.
Researchers from Stockholm University and Eth Zurich say this in an article published in Enviromental Science & Technology.
Pfas (perfluoroalkyl substances) concentrations worldwide have reached values above the limits set by U.S. drinking water guidelines.
Pfas, have serious health effects: can cause cancer, infertility, immune system damage
They are very persistent molecules and have now entered the planetary water cycle, contaminating the atmosphere and waters, both surface and sub-surface
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